Following the tradition of each consecutive year, this year in 2023- IEEE Bangladesh Section is organized “IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Branch (SB) Chair’s, Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society Chapter Advisors’ Meet up 2023” in hybrid mode. The virtual mode is organized on the Zoom platform and the physical at IICT Room 705, ECE…

Brain Automation Symposium 2023

On July 15 (Thursday), 2023, Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET -IRAB successfully organized “Brain Automation Symposium 2023” at IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET. The symposium focused on recent advances in Brain Automation covering a wide area of interdisciplinary interests. Researchers from various disciplines and industries attended the event and shared their experiences in…

IEEE BDS Technical Experts’ Forum 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Bangladesh Chapter & The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh-IEB, in collaboration with IEEE BUET Student Branch jointly organized a IEEE Bangladesh Section Technical Experts’ Forum at IEB Council Hall, 1st floor, Shahid Prokousholi Bhaban, IEB – Dhaka, Bangladesh on 24th June 2023. This forum was held in the last…

IEEE SIGHT Day Celebration 2021

IEEE Bangladesh Section is Celebrating SIGHT Day 2021 along with IEEE SIGHT FLASH and IEEE BUET Student Branch. The second annual IEEE SIGHT Day is taking place on 28 April! This year’s theme is “Celebrating 10 years of IEEE SIGHT”. Topic: SIGHT Day Celebration 2021 Time: Apr 28, 2021, 03:00 PM Astana, Dhaka Join Zoom…

SIGHT Day Celebration 2021

The IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) is an IEEE program, instituted by the IEEE HAC. IEEE SIGHT is a global network of groups consisting of IEEE members and volunteers who identify and address local problems by applying their technical skills and partnering with their local communities. In 2011, the SIGHT program was…

Second Industry-Academia Innovation Forum

Event Title: Second Industry-Academia Innovation Forum (Virtual)   Platform: Zoom   Date: Friday, 11 June 2021   Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (GMT+6)   No. Of Participants: 61   IEEE Attendees: 49   Non-IEEE Attendees: 12   Organized By: IEEE IAS BUET SB Chapter IEEE BUET Student Branch IEEE BUET SB WIE Affinity Group…

Second International Meetup of Robotics and Automation Enthusiasts

With the goal of creating a global platform for cooperation among researchers and enthusiasts in the field of robotics and automation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Student Branch Chapter is organizing the ‘Second International Meetup of Robotics and Automation Enthusiasts: Robotics and Automation During Covid’. IEEE BUET…

International Girls in ICT day 2021

IEEE Bangladesh Section (IEEE BDS) and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section (WIE AG BDS) organized an online event to celebrate the International Girls In ICT Day 2021 on 22 April 2021, 8-9 pm. The theme of the event “Connected Girls, Creating Brighter Futures”. International Girls in ICT Day, an initiative of…

Launching Bengalis Research Forum: Celebrating International Mother Language Day 2021

IEEE Bangladesh Section is proudly Launching Bengalis Research Forum on 21st February 2021 to Celebrate the International Mother Language Day 2021 virtually during this pandemic. The event will start at 7:00 PM on 21 February 2021. Following the Reaching Locals Project, this event will be held in Bangla Language. Topic: LAUNCHING BENGALIS RESEARCH FORUM: CELEBRATING…