On July 15 (Thursday), 2023, Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET -IRAB successfully organized “Brain Automation Symposium 2023” at IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET. The symposium focused on recent advances in Brain Automation covering a wide area of interdisciplinary interests. Researchers from various disciplines and industries attended the event and shared their experiences in this field.
Simulating an artificial human brain under various physical-mental conditions is still in its infant stage but has a huge demand. Prof. Ashfaq Adnan from University of Texas Arlington delivered a keynote talk on smart sensing of brain trauma and protection. Prof. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Director, IRAB presented AI based brain automation techniques and Prof. Shaikh Reaz Ahmed from ME, BUET presented damage-resistant materials in their keynote talks. Dr. Derrick Marcus Tepaske, Science Director, Office of Naval Research Global US Embassy Singapore delivered a keynote address on prospects and opportunities for international research collaboration. Dr. Timothy Bentley attended the event via online, he discussed the potential benefits of brain technology such as smart helmets for the military, highlighting the tradeoff between lightweight design for wearer comfort and the need for additional sensors for enhanced effectiveness. Three researchers, namely Dr. Mohammed Imamul Hassan Bhuiyan, Professor, Dept. of EEEE, BUET; Engr Shohel Rana, Research Assistant, IRAB, BUET; and Syed Ahmmed, Research Assistant, IICT, BUET presented their published research work which focused on recent advances in brain automation.
We are honored that Professor Dr. Satya Prasad Majumder, Vice-Chancellor, BUET graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Technical co-sponsors of the symposium was IEEE Bangladesh Section and its five society chapters, namely IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE Industrial Application Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter.
We sincerely thank the Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section; Chair/Vice-Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section’s RAS, EMBS, IAS, SPS, CS Chapter; Researchers, Participants and volunteers for making the symposium a success. Special thanks to Prof. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, Dept. of EEE, BUET and Prof. M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal, Director, IICT, BUET for guiding us to make the occasion a success.