Upcoming Conferences:
IEEE ICCIT 2024 held from 20 -22 December 2024 at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
IEEE WIECon-ECE 2024 held from 06-07 December 2024 at College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India
IEEE RAAICON 2024 held from 29-30 November 2024 at Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
IEEE BECITHCON 2024 held from 28-29 November 2024 at Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
IEEE SPICSCON 2024 held from 01-02 November 2024 at Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Recent Event:
Dear Reviewer/Session Chair/Committee Member/Judges,
Congratulations to you for contributing to IEEE Bangladesh Section (BDS). Your participation in different Conferences and Competitions in 2023 have added value to the programs. As a token of appreciation, e-certificates were already sent to your email address.
The major conferences/competitions/ events in 2023 are as follows,
2023-December Co-located Conferences/Competitions at ICCIT
IEEE BDS Congratulates again all of you for your outstanding contributions. .
To engage more members with socially relevant IEEE initiatives, to appreciate your contributions and exchange ideas, IEEE BDS is going to organize IEEE Bangladesh Section Technical Experts’ Forum 2024. Technical co-sponsors of the event are IEEE Bangladesh Section’s five society chapters, namely Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Signal Processing Society (SPS), Industrial Application Society (IAS) and Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT)
Keynote Speaker: Saifur Rahman, Ph.D, 2023 IEEE President and CEO
Date: 4th May, 2024
Venue: Asia Hotel & Resorts, 34/1 Topkhana Road, Dhaka
Time: 4 PM – 6.30 PM
For logistics preparation, please share your interest of opinion by filling up the following form.
Registration Link :https://forms.gle/znVbUxxTw61FZF4L6
Registration deadline: 3rd May 2024, 11.59 pm.
“Don’t miss the Gift items from IEEE BDS”
We look forward to seeing you and your ambassadors at the IEEE Bangladesh Section Technical Experts’ Forum 2024 for ensuring high level engagement and celebrating the remarkable contributions of our members together.
Kind Regards,
Celia Shahanz, General Chair of the conferences and Competitions
on behalf of Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Dear Respected IEEE Members,
Hope you are doing well.
We are pleased to inform you that IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Bangladesh Section is going to jointly organize an expert talk in virtual mode to celebrate IEEE Education Week 2024. IEEE Education Week (14-20 April 2024) is a weeklong celebration of educational opportunities provided by the world’s largest technical professional association and its organizational units, societies and councils. We are pleased to invite you to participate in the upcoming event.
Event Details:
Title: Celebrates IEEE Education Week 2024
Date: 20th April, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 7:00 PM (GMT + 6 Hours, Dhaka Time)
Mode: Online (Platform: Zoom)
Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi
Professor & Head, Dept. of ECE
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India
Keynote Title: Talking Tech – enabling voice to the speechless
Azfar Adib
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of EE
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Keynote Title: Anonymous Age Verification Using Electrocardiogram
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/tGxeKrcPtryrfGZJ7
Please complete the registration to join the event. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. We look forward to your participation in this exciting event.
Kind Regards,
Prof. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah
Chair, IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter
Prof. M. Moshiul Hoque
Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
In honor of Women’s History Month, which is celebrated annually in March to recognize the remarkable achievements and contributions of women to our society, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group Bangladesh Section have jointly successfully organized “Celebrating Women’s History Month 2024” at the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) on 28th March 2024.
In alignment with the global celebration of International Women’s History Month, the IEEE Bangladesh Section takes immense pride in highlighting the contributions of women in technology and engineering. This month serves as a reminder of the strides we have made toward gender equality and the work that remains.
At the outset of the event, Global chair of IEEE Women in Engineering and the past chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section Dr. Celia Shahnaz, professor at Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) talked about the enormous number of impactful activities of IEEE Women in Engineering in different universities, the journey and hard work of the group and the outstanding international achievements and recognitions the group has achieved, by working for women in the local and international community.
Government official and Deputy Secretary, Ministry of commerce, Sumoni Akter said that at the beginning of her career journey to till now being a woman she always tries to overcome stereotypes and thoughts while serving her duty.
From industry Deputy General Manager, Energypac Engineering, Ms Pramiti Alam said as an director of energypac engineering I used to work for our company when my child was only 2.5 months, so being a woman I have to struggle a lot but things are now changing. She also thanked her husband and family for staying beside her during the hard time.
Besides another panelist Anamika Bhakta, vice president of Robi Axiata Ltd, also said that some of the recent progress of Bangladeshi women is amazing. But still we are far behind the standard level of women empowerment.
We honor the achievements of women engineers and technologists who have paved the way for future generations. Their dedication and leadership continue to inspire a diverse and inclusive community within IEEE and beyond.
Dear Members,You are aware that a Campaign for Smart City in Bangladesh launched in 2019 by IEEE Bangladesh Section. Under the initiative of IEEE PES Global Workshop Committee, the first global PES workshop “Smart City Initiatives- Bangladesh” was successfully held at IEB, Dhaka, Bangladesh during 24-25 September 2019. IEEE Bangladesh Section in association with their PES chapter, PES student branch chapters and the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) organized the event.As a continuation of our previous initiative, IEEE Bangladesh Section is organizing the following event:
Event Name: IEEE Smart City: Bangladesh perspective
Date: 21 April 2022, Thursday
Time: 5:15 PM
Venue: Executive Meeting Room, Fourth Floor, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), IEB Building, Moulana Bhasani Rd, Dhaka 1000
The keynote speaker of this event will be Prof. Saifur Rahman, 2022 IEEE President-Elect and the moderator will be Prof. Celia Shahnaz, 2022 IEEE WIE Committee Chair-Elect.
If you are interested to join the event virtually, please register in vtools: http://events.vtools.ieee.org/event/register/312276
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Saifur Rahman
Dr. Saifur Rahman is the 2022 IEEE President-Elect, and is expected to serve as the IEEE President in 2023. He studied in the Department of EEE, BUET and briefly served as a faculty member there before moving to the USA. He is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute at Virginia Tech, USA where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He has served as the chair of the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering. He has published over 150 journal papers and has made over six hundred conferences and invited presentations. Over the past 40+ years, IEEE has been an integral part of Prof. Saifur’s pursuit of excellence in professional life.
Dr. Celia Shahnaz
Dr. Celia Shahnaz, SMIEEE, Fellow IEB, received Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, Canada and is currently a Professor at, Department of EEE, BUET, Bangladesh since 2015. She has published more than 150 international journal/conference papers. She is a recipient of the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship/Fellowship and Bangladesh Academy of Science Gold Medal for her contribution to Science and Technology. Her research interests include the areas of signal processing for speech analysis and speech enhancement, audio-visual recognition for biometric security, control system, robotics, pattern recognition, machine learning and deep learning for audio, video, biomedical, power signals, multimodal emotion recognition, and humanitarian technology. Dr. Shahnaz is an avid volunteer of IEEE and IEEE WIE, having served in numerous committees and subcommittees of IEEE at National and International Level. She served as the Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section 2018-21. She is the recipient of the 2021 Inspiring Women in Academia Award from Bangladesh brand forum, 2021 IEEE MGA Achievement Award, 2019 R10 Humanitarian Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award, 2016 MGA Leadership Award 2015 WIE Inspiring Member Award, 2013 R10 WIE Professional Volunteer Award. She has more than 20 years of experience (20 years as an IEEE volunteer) in leading impactful Technical, Professional, Educational, Industrial, Women Empowerment and Humanitarian Technology, Power and Energy-related Projects at national/international levels.
Dr. Moshiul Hoque
Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Dear IEEE Bangladesh Section Members,
The Nomination Committee for 2021 IEEE Bangladesh Section is pleased to announce the results of the 2021 Section election. Thank you to all who voted.
Here are the winners:
Bangladesh Section Chair | Mohammed Moshul Hoque |
Bangladesh Section Vice Chair Activity | Anamika Bhakta |
Bangladesh Section Vice Chair Technical | MD Razzak |
Bangladesh Section Treasurer | MD Raju Ahmed |
Bangladesh Section Secretary | Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury |
Awards Coordinator | Md Ekramul Hamid |
Conference Coordinator | Shahriar Khan |
Educational Activity Coordinator | Md Faruk Hossain |
Humanitarian Activity Coordinator | Prof. Dr M.A.H Akhand |
Industrial Activity Coordinator | S.M Robiul Islam |
Membership Development Coordinator | Raihan Ur Rashid |
Newsletter Editor | Tahsina Farah Sanam |
Professional Activity Coordinator | MD Ranak Ahsan |
Publicity Coordinator | Tanvir Mahmudul Hasan |
Student Activity Coordinator | A.K.M Muzahidul Islam |
Here are the winners including election vote counts:
Candidate | Votes |
Chair | |
Mohammed Moshiul Hoque | 561 |
Mohammad Shorif Uddin | 333 |
Vice Chair Activity | |
Anamika Bhakta | 497 |
M Shamim Kaiser | 353 |
Prof. Dr. Shamim Akhter | 51 |
Vice Chair Technical | |
MD RAZZAK | 513 |
Md. Abdur Razzaque | 371 |
Treasurer | |
Secretary | |
Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury | 621 |
Chowdhury Akram Hossain | 267 |
Awards Coordinator | |
Md Ekramul Hamid | 508 |
Mustafa Chowdhury | 354 |
Membership Development Coordinator | |
Raihan Ur Rashid | 484 |
Mohammad Shamsul Arefin | 400 |
Professional Activity Coordinator | |
Educational Activity Coordinator | |
Md Faruk Hossain | 498 |
Humanitarian Activity Coordinator | |
Prof. Dr. M. A. H. Akhand | 551 |
Md. Motaharul Islam | 314 |
Conference Coordinator | |
Shahriar Khan | 570 |
Md Zahidul Islam | 301 |
Student Activity Coordinator | |
A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam | 556 |
Khondaker Habibul Kabir | 310 |
Newsletter Editor | |
Sajeeb Saha | 257 |
Publicity Coordinator | |
Tanvir Mahmudul Hasan | 547 |
Maheen Islam | 309 |
Industrial Activity Coordinator | |
S.M Robiul Islam | 546 |
Md Hossam Haider | 319 |
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the candidates for their willingness to serve.
Professor Dr. Shaikh A Fattah
Nominations and Appointments Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
IEEE Bangladesh Section Election 2021 Candidate List
2021 IEEE BDS Election Candidate List
Please find the Candidates’ Profile Here
From the column of Nomination and Appointment Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, Prof. Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah: (2020)
Feeling proud for Bangladesh to secure a position right after India, USA, China, and Canada. It is for the consecutive second year IEEE Bangladesh Section is maintaining the 5th ranking among 342 Sections over 160 countries. Congratulation to Prof. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section for organizing impactful student activities all the year round and also congratulation to all student members of the Bangladesh Section.
The detailed official IEEE Annual Report can be found here.
International COVID19 Congress (ICC-2020)
I am announcing International COVID19 Congress (ICC-2020) on 9th and 10th August. I am honored to serve as the General Chair of ICC-2020. We are receiving overwhelming response from IEEE members and volunteers all over the world.
To exchange our views and share our ideas to fight against the COVID19 pandemic, IEEE Bangladesh Section is organizing a full virtual event, International COVID19 Congress (ICC-2020). Thanks to my enthusiastic team who are working hard to implement this vision during this difficult time.
The event will be held on 9 and 10 August 2020.
Both day 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT+6:00)
This COVID Congress will serve a great platform for all contributors to share their ideas to fight against the COVID19 pandemic. Please join the Congress. Let us exchange our views and fight together against the COVID19 pandemic.
In Congress, we will organize five different Competition/Sharing/Discussion. They are:
1. Idea Sharing Competition
2. Project Competition
3. Debate Competition
4. Research Progress Sharing
5. Great Initiative/Policy Making Sharing
To know more about the event please visit: https://covid-19congress2020.com/
IEEE Vtools Event: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/235140
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3619168894779062/
** For Registration **
(1) If you want to join more than one item, please fill up separately the form for each item please go the following link: https://forms.gle/JTNeTYMBj4h6XRbm8
(2) Or if you want to join as a participant go to the following link: https://forms.gle/4dvqSvHxwajpq8Wv9
Celia Shahnaz
Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section.
General Chair, ICC 2020
email: celia.shahnaz@gmail.com
About IEEE:
About IEEE Bangladesh Section
During the last phase of paper submission of TENSYMP2020 in the first half of March 2020, the whole world was facing a global COVID19 pandemic. In every aspect of life, there was an unprecedented change that halted all of our regular activities in every corner of the world. The fate of TENSYMP2020 became uncertain. The conference was scheduled to be held as a face-to-face conference at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 5th to 7th June 2020. But we, a very strongly motivated program committee, did not lose our hope. And behind us, we got tremendous support from our beloved technical communities. In spite of severe obstacles as a result of the Corona crisis, we received 1,030 valid submissions in 12 technical tracks involving 2,308 authors from 19 countries. These included 201 international papers. The magnitude of this massive enthusiastic submission from diversified geolocations is a clear indication of the preference of TENSYMP as a brand, as well as its 2020 organizers, namely IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Region 10.
This special report is being written by Professor Dr. Shaikh A. Fattah, Technical Program Chair, IEEE TENSYMP2020.
You can read the whole report here online.
VCOP: Virtual Conference Organizers’ Panel
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VCOP 2020: Share your expectation about a Virtual Technical Conference
The VCOP 2020 is the 1st virtual online panel in IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) where all concerned stakeholders will share the expectations, challenges and possible solutions in a Full Virtual Technical Conference with respect to traditional face to face technical conferences.
This is an initiative inspired by the experience gathered in IEEE TENSYMP2020–the FIRST full virtual online flagship conference of IEEE R10.
Schedule: 1-2 July 7 PM — 10 PM 10 Bangladesh Time (GMT + 6 hrs)
Duration: Two days, Each day 3 Hours
The virtual event is organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section.