Shams Shad Islam Khan

Product Delivery Engineer, CodeMarshal IT Systems Ltd., M.Sc. student, IICT, BUET and Student Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section


Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade


1st Choice of position

Professional Activity Coordinator

1st Choice Position Statement: considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

Professional Activities is playing a vital role for the most recent activities and achievements of IEEE Bangladesh Section. I’ll maintain and enhance the vibrant activities of IEEE Bangladesh Section in the following ways:

1. Focusing on quality of the event rather than quantity.
2. Encouraging student branches to do flagship events like SPAC, SPAW, SPAVe, STEP etc.
3. Enhancing activities of new societies in collaboration with different sb chapters involving more professional members.
4. Bringing out future leaders of IEEE Bangladesh Section from the very root level of student branches and nurturing them through training program for creating upcoming professional members.
5. Implementing the Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) in collaboration with Educational Activity Committee.
6. Arranging competitions for graduate student members in different conferences to boost up IEEE membership and ensuring their participation.
7. Arranging session in collaboration with AG – WIE and YP, to spread their vision among the students and professionals.
8. Will focus on working with Industry Activity Coordinator and Membership Development Coordinator to serve the goal and vision of IEEE Bangladesh Section
9. Arranging IEEE Bangladesh Section’s ‘Learn from the expertise’ program to encourage universities to maintain the liaison between the alumni and current students and promoting our activities. This will also create impact on old student members, and they will keep a connection with section with their experiences as a professional member.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

I am currently appointed as Student Activity Coordinator of IEEE Bangladesh Section this year with a subcommittee of 11 student members and our Section Student Representative. I have been working in this position for last two years. Beside I was also the Chair of IEEE Young Professional affinity group back in 2016 and 2017. On that time period, under my leadership our affinity group organized many workshops, seminars, technical talks, meet up, and flagship events like STEP, meet up and so on. As a result, our team has won the best YP affinity group award in 2018 for their activities of 2017. It was not a easy task to represent YP in R10. I have tried to focus on developing inter-personal skills for the professional people during that time aligned with the vision of our IEEE Bangladesh Section. It helped me and my team a lot. After working with the students for next two years, now I think it is again the time for me to work for the professional members as a part of section. My previous experiences will help me a lot in this regard.

2nd Choice of position

I have only one choice

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 words)

IEEE R10 SAC Ambassador (2019-20)
Student Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018-19)
Mentor, IEEE VoLT program, (2019)
IEEE Ambassador (2018-19)
Adviser, YP affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018)
Local Arrangement Chair, IEEE WieCon-ECE 2018
Local Arrangement Chair, IEEE WIE ILS – 2018
Delegate, IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE SYWLC, Bali, Indonesia – 2018
Chair, YP affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2016-17)
Local Arrangement Chair, IEEE R10 HTC – 2017
Mentor, IEEE AIUB sb – 2017
Delegate, IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE SYWLC, Bangalore, India – 2016
Secretary, IEEE SAC Chairs, Counselors, Mentors Meet -2016
Logistics Coordinator, IEEE WieCon-ECE 2015
Volunteer, IEEE R10 Meet – 2015
Event Coordinator, IRC (2012 and 2013)
Volunteer, ICIEV (2012 and 2013)

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

IEEE R10 SAC Ambassador (2019-20)
Student Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018-19)
Adviser, YP affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018)
Chair, YP affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2016-17)

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

IEEE R10 Best YP Affinity Group – 2018
Volunteer Leadership Training Program (IEEE VoLT) Graduate – 2017

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions) [Please mention whether the position is listed in Vtools or not]

Student Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018-19)
Chair, YP affinity group, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2016-17)

Endorser’s Name

Shaikh Anowarul Fattah

Endorser’s Affiliation

Nominations and Appointment Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section & Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)