Yeasir Arafat


Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member

8+ Years as Corporate Member (Student Membership years excluded)

Member Grade


1st Choice Position Statement (500 Words)

Yeasir Arafat is currently with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh in the position of an Associate Professor. He has 17 years of teaching experience in the area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His research areas are Renewable Energy and Semiconductor Devices. He has published around 34 research papers in these fields. He first became student member of IEEE as early as 1995 (one of the pioneering members of Bangladesh Section) but later after a long period, he has recently been very active since 2010 and serving in the Executive Committees of IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE ED/SSCS Joint Chapter of Bangladesh. He was IEEE Bangladesh Section Executive Committee’s Membership Development Coordinator (2014), Secretary (2015), Vice Chair (Activity, 2016), Treasurer in 2017 and also serving the present (2018) Executive Committee in the position of Vice Chair (Activity). In IEEE ED/SSCS Joint Chapter, he has served as MD coordinator and at present’s he is BUET Students’ Chapters Advisor. He has served as the Member of Bangladesh Electricity Licensing Board (statutory position), Government of Bangladesh from 2011-2018. He has administrative experiences and Technical experiences related to conferences.
Brief Position Statement
1. Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, March 2016 – present
2. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January 2018 – present
3. Treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2017
4. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2016
5. Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2015
6. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2014
7. Advisor, IEEE ED/SSCS BUET Student Chapter, January 2018 – present
8. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE ED/SSCS Bangladesh Chapter, January – December, 2016
9. TPC members and Reviewer of more than 20 international conferences and journals
10. Organizer of many IEEE events
11. Provost (IC), Shahid Smrity Hall, BUET, Jan – May 2018
12. Assistant Provost, Titumir Hall and Shahid Smrity Hall, BUET, 2011 – 2018
13. Board Member, Electricity Licensing Board, Government of Bangladesh, 2011 – 2018
14. Previous Lecturer, Senior Grade Lecturer and Assistant Professor, BUET

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post (500 Words)

1. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January 2018 – present
2. Treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2017
3. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2016
4. Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2015
5. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2014
6. Advisor, IEEE ED/SSCS BUET Student Chapter, January 2018 – present
7. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE ED/SSCS Bangladesh Chapter, January – December, 2016
8. TPC members and Reviewer of more than 20 international conferences and journals
9. Organizer of many IEEE events

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (500 words)

Yeasir Arafat was IEEE Bangladesh Section EC’s MD Coordinator (2014), Secretary (2015), Vice Chair (Activity, 2016), Treasurer in 2017 and also serving the present (2018) EC in the position of Vice Chair (Activity). Some of his other contributions are summarized below:
1. Advisor, IEEE ED/SSCS BUET Student Chapter, January 2018 – present
2. Organized Bangladesh Section Award Nights and Closing Dinners in 2018-2014
3. Chair, Finance Committee: IEEE WIE ILS 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh
4. Participated the IEEE R10 SYWL Congress – 2018 (August-September, Bali, Indonesia). The objectives of this visit were to congregate with the IEEE regional and global leaders as well as receive collective awards for IEEE Bangladesh. IEEE Bangladesh has bagged 1 most prestigious global (world best in large section category) and 11 others regional awards in this congress.
5. Speaker, ‘A Volunteer’s Journey Towards Leadership Development‘’ on the occasion of IEEE BDS SB Ex-Com Summit 2018, Organized by Eastern University, 18 May, 2018
6. Speaker, ‘IEEE Leadership Development Model: Distinguishing between Leaders and Managers’ on the occasion of BDS Vitality Enhancement Event Series-1, Organized by Jahangirnagar University Unit, 16 May, 2018
7. Speaker, ‘Fund Management & Financial Reporting: Role of the Section and that of a Branch’ on the occasion of IEEE BDS Vitality Summit, 28 April, 2018
8. Speaker, ‘Glimpses of the IEEE VoLT Program’ on the occasion of A Day Long Interactive Session, Organized by CUET, IIUC and participated by Rangamati Science and Technology University (RMSTU) in addition to CUET & IIUC, 21 April, 2018
9. Speaker, ‘Understanding DISC Profile: The Four Core Style of Personality Types for Better Team Composition’ on the occasion of IIUC IEEE Spectra-2017, Organized by the International Islamic University Chittagong, 14 November, 2017
10. Speaker, IEEE BDS-R10 mini-POCO Forum – Lecture on Logistic Issues, Paper Handling, Finance Management, Sponsor, Industry Collaboration of a Conference, BUET, Dhaka, 18 February, 2017 and 2018
11. Speaker, IEEE Region 10 mini POCO – Lecture on Working your Conference from the Bottom, Zurich Conference Hall, Hotel Swiss Garden, Dhaka, 2016 (two times)
12. Chair Finance Committee: IEEE R10 HTC 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh
13. Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member: iCEEiCT 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh
14. TPC Member: EECSI 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, ICARCAD 2016, Rome, Italy
15. Speaker, Introductory Short Course on Electrical Codes to Ensure Safety in Built Environment, arranged by IEEE Young Professionals AG, Bangladesh, 5 October, 2015
16. TPC Member: ICEEICT 2015, Savar, Bangladesh, ICMAPH 2015, Rome, Italy, IEEE WSMEAP 2014, Sousse, Tunisia
17. Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (TED), USA
18. Reviewer: ICECE 2018, iCEEiCT 2018, AR4MET 2015, Indonesia, NEWCAS2012, Canada
19. Organizing Committee Member/Sub-Committee Chair: All IEEE co-sponsored ICECE (2002-2018) conferences, and many other IEEE international conferences held around the globe (WIECON-ECE) 2018 (Pattaya, Thailand), 2017 (Dehradun, India), 2016 (Pune, India), 2015 (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
20. Advisory Committee Member of IEEE ProTalks 2015, October, Dhaka, Bangladesh
21. Adviser, IEEE Bangladesh Section SYW Congress 2015, June, Dhaka, Bangladesh
22. Organizing Committee Member of ICCIT 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

1. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January 2018 – present
2. Treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2017
3. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2016
4. Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2015
5. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2014
6. Advisor, IEEE ED/SSCS BUET Student Chapter, January 2018 – present
7. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE ED/SSCS Bangladesh Chapter, January – December, 2016
8. TPC members and Reviewer of more than 20 international conferences and journals (by IEEE)
9. Organizer of many IEEE events

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

Have been selected on the basis of competition and completed the 6-months Volunteer Training
1. IEEE VoLT Program Graduate (Track 1 & Track 2)
Earned other IEEE Certificates (as part of Continuous Professional Development, CPD):
2. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC, USA)
IEEE Center of Leadership Excellence Training on
3. Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest, Antitrust and Fair Competition
4. Sanctions, Embargoes, Export Controls Anti-Boycott Laws, Ethics
5. Industry Perspective of Leadership, HR Dealings, Time Management
6. Communication Skills, Leveraging Social Media
7. Smart Grid and Vehicular Technology, Transportation Electrification

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions)

1. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January 2018 – present
2. Treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2017
3. Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2016
4. Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2015
5. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, January – December, 2014
6. Advisor, IEEE ED/SSCS BUET Student Chapter, January 2018 – present
7. Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE ED/SSCS Bangladesh Chapter, January – December, 2016