Dr. M. Moshiul Hoque

Professor, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET)



Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade

Senior Member

1st Choice of position

Vice Chair (Technical)

1st Choice Position Statement: considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

I would like to serve in the position of Vice-chair (Technical) for the year 2020. I served in the several administrative and professional positions such as Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUET, Director of Student Welfare, Head (Self Assessment Committee, Vice-chair (Technical in the year 2019), Conference Coordinator (2018) Award Coordinator (2017) in IEEE BDS and so on. I also served as an executive/implementation committee member of establishing CUET IT Business Incubator, Implemented by Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority, ICT Division. Moreover, I closely connected to the industry as consultant and served as the academic committee member of different universities.

Due to varieties of experience, I am closely connected to the Students, Professionals and Government Bodies. Therefore, I think that I can use my connectivity to bridge the gaps of IEEE Bangladesh Section, Universities, Industry and Government. I will try my best so that IEEE BDS work can work actively with the private/public organizations to implement the national policy and mission/vision of the Nation. From my position, I will try hear & soul to opening new Student Branches, More Society chapters and more active members . I will closely work under the guidance of section chair to implement the mission/vision of the section.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

Prof. Dr. M. Moshiul Hoque was served as the Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering during 2015-2017, CUET. During his tenure, he organize several national/international events like National Collegiate Programming Contest 2017/National High School Programming Contest (as organizing chair). Currently, he is serving as the Director (Director of Student Welfare, CUET), Head (Self Assessment Committee, Dept. of CSE, CUET), Coordinator (Robotics Lab, & Fab Lab CUET) and Executive Member of county first university-based Incubator (CUET IT Business Incubator) Project.

He played key role to established several research labs in his department such as, Robotics Lab, Mobile Apps and Animation Lab, and Fab Lab. He organized several seminar/workshop such as Inter University Robotic Competition, National Workshop on Computational Linguistics & Bangla Language Processing, Workshop on Digital Fabrication where IEEE BDS, IEEE RAS Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE CUET SB, IEEE RAS CUET Student Chapter took parts as technical co-sponsors. He awarded several project/research grants about 40, 000 USD form World Bank, UGC, ICTD.

Dr. Hoque attended several national and international conferences as a guest speaker, served as a member of organizing committee, TPC Chair (IEEE r10 HTC’2017, ECCE’2019) and TPC Co-chair (ICISET’2018) and TPC members of several international conferences such as ICCIT 2018, ICBSLP 2018, iCEEiCT 2016-2018, IC2ME4 2017, EICT 2015-2017, IEEE WIECON 2015, IEEEMeditec2015, etc. He served as IEEE BDS Executive Committee Member in several years in different positions including Vice-Chair (Technical), Conference Coordinator, Award Coordinator and so on. Moreover, he served as Award Coordinator & Vice-chair (Activity) in IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter and Educational Activity Coordinator in IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Bangladesh Chapter respectively. He is the founder & Adviser of IEEE RAS Student Chapter & IEEE SPS Student Chapter in CUET.

He published more than 130 publications in several International Journals and Conferences. He has received several awards and scholarships such as; Best paper Award in ICO’ 2019, IEMIS 2018, EICT 2013, and HSI 2010, Monobashu scholarship, Korean Govt. IT scholarship, and so on. Currently, Mr. Hoque is affiliated with several professional societies such as senior member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Members of Women in Engineering and YP. He is the Fellow of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh. He was the student member of Robotic Society of Japan during 2010-2012.

2nd Choice of position

I have only one choice

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 words)

Dr. Hoque organized several International Conferences with the technical co-sponsorship with IEEE Bangladesh Section such as IEEE r10 HTC 2017 (as technical co-chair),  IEEE WIE ECE 2015, 2018, 2019 (as Publication Chair),  ECCE 2019 and so on. He is the founder of IEEE RAS, and IEEE SPS Student Chapters in CUET. He organized a couple of national events (Inter University Robotic Competition & Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Bangla Language Processing)  where IEEE BDS and IEEE RAS Bangladesh Chapter took parts as technical co-sponsors. He played active roles to organized IEEE Bangladesh Section co-sponsored Conference/event with other university. In year 2019, IEEE BDS co-sponsored about 10 International Conference with different universities/sections. He significantly contributed to organized IEEE SPICSCON 2019 & IEEE RAAICON 2019, Winter School in Signal Processing by IEEE BDS. Dr. Hoque played the key role to open the new SBs in 2019 such as EDU SB, CIU SB, PCIU SB, PUC SB, VU SB, and IU SB respectively.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

Member, IEEE
Senior Member, IEEE
Member IEEE CS
Member WIE, YP

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

Outstanding Achievement in Member Recruitment from IEEE

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions) [Please mention whether the position is listed in Vtools or not]

1. Executive Committee Member of IEEE BDS as vice-chair (technical 2019)
2. Executive Committee Member of IEEE BDS as Conference Co-coordinator (2018)
3. Executive Committee Member of IEEE BDS as Award Co-coordinator (2017)
4. Executive Committee Member of IEEE RAS BD Chapter as Educational Activity Co-coordinator (2018)
5. Executive Committee Member of IEEE RAS BD Chapter as Educational Activity Co-coordinator (2017)
6. Executive Committee Member of IEEE CS BD Chapter as Vice-chair (Activity 2019)

Endorser’s Name

Shaikh Anowarul Fattah

Endorser’s Affiliation

Nominations and Appointment Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section & Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)


Dr. Mohammad Shorif Uddin

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh



Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member

7 years

Member Grade

Senior Member

1st Choice of position

Vice Chair (Technical)

1st Choice Position Statement: considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

The IEEE is the world’s largest premier organization for engineering professionals and students. I have always considered IEEE as an agent of extended professional development, dissemination of knowledge to its members and community.
IEEE and its affiliated sections are volunteer-driven; the volunteers thrive because of the leadership and contributions of technical committees, editorial boards and conference committees.

My pledge as a Vice Chair (Technical) is to support creative, sustainable efforts that will make the IEEE Bangladesh Section even more effective for all our members and for the professional community through organizing, technical co-sponsoring and monitoring seminars, workshops, conferences, and publications of papers. I also fairly try to nurture close collaboration between academia, industry, government, students, young professionals and educational activities.

I strongly believe that my work will certainly contribute to elevate the IEEE Bangladesh Section to even higher levels of quality, impact, and reputation.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

I received my PhD in Information Science from Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, Master in Technology Education from Shiga University, Japan, B.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from BUET and also MBA from IBA, Jahangirnagar University. I joined in the Department of CSE, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka in 1992 and currently working as a Professor of this department. Besides, I also served as the Departmental Chairman from June 2014 to June 2017. In addition, I am serving as an Adviser of the School of Science and Engineering, ULAB. I began my teaching career in 1991 as a Lecturer of the Department of EEE, CUET. I undertook postdoctoral researches at Bioinformatics Institute, A-STAR, Singapore, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan and Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, Chiba University, Japan, Bonn University, Germany, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. My research is motivated by applications in the fields of imaging informatics and computer vision. I have published around 120 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings and delivered keynote speeches in some of international conferences in home and abroad. I hold two patents for my scientific inventions. I received the Best Paper Award in ICIEV 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Best Presenter Award from the ICCVG 2004, Warsaw, Poland. I was the Coach of Janhangirnagar University ACM ICPC World Finals Team at USA in 2017 and Morocco in 2015. I am the co-author of three books. I am also a Fellow of BCS, IEB and a senior member of IEEE. I am serving as an Associate Editor of IEEE Access and Editor-in-Chief of ULAB Journal of Science and Engineering.

My IEEE-related activities:
Senior Member of IEEE;
IEEE ULAB SB Counsellor 2015;
IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Vice Chair (Technical) 2018
IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Chair 2019
IEEE Bangladesh Section MD Coordinator 2015 and Conference Coordinator 2016-2017;
General Chair, IWCI 2016, IJCCI 2018 and 2019, ICAEM 2019
TPC Chair/Co-Chair: ICEEICT 2015, IEEE R10 HTC 2017, EICT 2015, 2017, 2019;
TPC Member: A good number of conferences;

2nd Choice of position


Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 words)

I did lot of contribution as an MD coordinator for membership increasing, retention and opening SBs.
Every year 4 to 8 IEEE technically co-sponsored conferences are held in our country. IEEE Bangladesh Section is the endorser for these conferences (as Section Conference Coordinator). For the last two years of 2016-2017, I did huge contribution in maintaining technical quality of these conferences. I also organized two miniPOCOs as Section events.
As IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Chair/ Vice Chair I did lot in establishing this newly born Chapter. Currently this CS Chapter’s member number is more than 450.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

My IEEE-related activities:
Senior Member of IEEE;
IEEE ULAB SB Counsellor 2015;
IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Vice Chair (Technical) 2018
IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Chair 2019
IEEE Bangladesh Section MD Coordinator 2015 and Conference Coordinator 2016-2017;
General Chair, IWCI 2016, IJCCI 2018 and 2019, ICAEM 2019
TPC Chair/Co-Chair: ICEEICT 2015, IEEE R10 HTC 2017, EICT 2015, 2017, 2019;
TPC Member: A good number of conferences;

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

No award received

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions) [Please mention whether the position is listed in Vtools or not]

Senior Member of IEEE;
IEEE ULAB SB Counsellor 2015;
IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Vice Chair (Technical) 2018
IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter Chair 2019
IEEE Bangladesh Section MD Coordinator 2015 and Conference Coordinator 2016-2017;

Endorser’s Name

M. Shamim Kaiser

Endorser’s Affiliation

Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka