Abhijit Biswas
M. Sc. Student, Dept. of EEE, BUET
Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member
Member Grade
1st Choice Position Statement (500 Words)
I would like to use my knowledge, skills and experiences to maintain full functionality and transparency of the financial activities of IEEE Bangladesh Section in the following way
Preparing proper budget for IEEE Bangladesh Section Events
Preparing tentative budget for funding proposals from Region 10, IEEE or various societies
Planning the appropriate allocation of fund for different section funded events
Discussing about financial policy and activities of Student Branches
Providing proper analysis of the budgets of proposed events by Student Branches
Solving various financial issues of Student Branches
Following the proper guidelines for financial activities set by IEEE
Keeping transparent financial records for all activities of IEEE Bangladesh Section
Keeping all the records available for IEEE BDS ExCom and Audit at any time
1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post (500 Words)
I am involved with IEEE for 5 years. In the year 2018, I am volunteering as Section Student Representative (SSR) in IEEE Bangladesh Section. In recent years IEEE BDS is growing very rapidly. Currently there are 38 student branches and most of the activities of the section evolve around these student branches. Thus maintaining a close relationship with the student branches helps a lot to handle the financial activities with high efficiency. But it is challenging to keep Student Branches connected to the section. While serving as SSR in the year of 2018 I worked very closely with student branches and tried to mitigate the gap between the section and student branches and I was successful. I have also built up a very close and faithful relationship with student branches which is very important to maintain financial activities. Apart from this, as a part of organizing team I have also organized many events from my student branche and many section funded events. I have shown my dedication and passion there and these events were successful. In recognition of my volunteering activities, I received IEEE R10 SAC Student Volunteer Award in 2018 and IEEE BDS Best Student Volunteer Award in 2017. I have also successfully provided all financial reports of these events to the section with full transparency. My ability to maintain the financial activity and records is proven. I will be able to manage IEEE Bangladesh Section financial activities at any scale. I also proved my dedication to IEEE Bangladesh Section and passion for IEEE volunteering activities and all these makes me a strong candidate for this position.
Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (500 words)
I am involved in IEEE activities since 2015. I was involved in numerous IEEE event. My major contributions includes
I was one of the core organizers of IEEE BDS SYWMC 2018, IEEE BDS Student Branch ExCom Summit 2018, IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Summit 2018, IEEE BDS Award Night and Annual Dinner 2018.
I coordinated the foreign guest management team in IEEE WIE ILS 2018. I also volunteered as a part of Food Committee.
I was the Lead Student Volunteer in IEEE R10 HTC 2017 where I coordinated more than 50 volunteer. IEEE R10 HTC was the biggest event in the history of IEEE BDS.
I am the Project Manager of ‘Demystifying Nuclear Power Technology’ project which has been started from July 2018. This project is funded by IEEE Foundation.
As Section Student Representative I was part of organizing team of several R10 funded events including SPAC, SPAVe, SPAW, STEP etc. in 2018.
I was part of organizing team of PES Day celebration of IEEE Bangladesh Section in 2018.
I initiated the formation of 4 student branch society chapter in 2018.
I was Logistics Coordinator in IEEE BDS SYWC 2017.
I volunteered in IEEE Mini POCO 2018, Authorship Workshop 2017, IEEE R10 SAC Chair, Counselors and Mentors Meet 2016, IEEE WIECON ECE 2015, IEEE BDS Annual Dinner 2015 and 2016.
I represented IEEE BDS along with other delegates in IEEE R10 SYWLC 2016.
IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)
1. Section Student Representative, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018)
2. Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch (2017-18)
3. Executive Member, IEEE EDS BUET Student Branch (2018)
4. Vice Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch (2017)
5. Lead Student Volunteer, 5th IEEE R10 HTC 2017
6. Logistics Coordinator, IEEE BDS SYW Congress (2017)
7. Program Coordinator (Educational Activities), IEEE BUET Student Branch (2016-17)
Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]
1. IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region) Student Activity Committee Student
Volunteer Award 2018
2. Best Student Volunteer Award, IEEE Bangladesh Section 2017
Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions)
1. Section Student Representative, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2018)
2. Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch (2017-18)
3. Executive Member, IEEE EDS BUET Student Branch (2018)
4. Vice Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch (2017)
5. Lead Student Volunteer, 5th IEEE R10 HTC 2017
6. Logistics Coordinator, IEEE BDS SYW Congress (2017)
7. Program Coordinator (Educational Activities), IEEE BUET Student Branch (2016-17)