
Lecturer, Southeast University



Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade


1st Choice of position

Newsletter Editor

1st Choice Position Statement: considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

IEEE Bangladesh Section is one of the most vibrant IEEE Sections in the world. By member number, IEEE BDS is one of the leading section amongst various section around the globe. For this, Global IEEE has acknowledged IEEE Bangladesh Section. Being one of the largest section in the world, IEEE BDS has arranged many programs , both- local and international around whole year. Till now, it has arranged Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference(HTC), WIECON ECE, International Leadership Summit and so on- these are all international and flagship events. Moreover, it has helped various Local Student Branches to organize many local and international events like different workshops, SPAC, SPAW, SPAV, SPS Winter School, Hackathon etc. For the technical skill development of IEEE Members, various technical societies have been formed. To increase the awareness about the societies among its members, IEEE BDS has arranged year–long member vitality program in different Student Branches. In 2020 , IEEE BDS is going to organize another flagship conference IEEE TENSYMP 2020.
The vast amount of activities cannot be described within the limited words here. But many of the honorable members of IEEE in Bangladesh Section are not yet well-informed about IEEE BDS activities and the benefits it is providing to its members. As the newsletter editor, alongside my regular duties I will form a team which will be solely responsible for collecting the reports of the events of the sections, societies and affinity groups and inform the active members via E-newsletter bi-annually. The E-newsletter will also call for participation from IEEE Members where they will be able to provide their insights on different cutting edge issues to increase the awareness and technical knowledge of other respected members. The members will be also be notified about the tools and sections of IEEE that provide assistance in developing their professional eligibility and volunteering capability. I will also try my best to publish a Printed Annual Newsletter for all IEEE Members in Bangladesh in my term.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

I have completed my BSc from BUET at 2018 and also am currently doing MSc in the same institution. I am working as a faculty member at Southeast University from 2019. I am a member of IEEE for 5 years. In these years, I participated in IEEE BUET Student Branch events as volunteer. I am a team person and like to work in team very much. I worked in the team of IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2017, held at BUET, as a volunteer in the Technical Activities Committee. After Graduation, I was elected as the Secretary of IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter in 2019. During my tenure, I have organized 1st Technical Conference from IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE SPICSCON 2019- one of the  4 co-located conferences. I was also the Conference Secretary of IEEE SPICSCON 2019. I along with my vibrant team with Graduate IEEE members from different institutions handled the technical activities and organizational affairs with the sincere help from IEEE Bangladesh Section.  During my tenure, IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter along with IEEE SPS BUET Student Branch Chapter and IEEE SPS BUET Student Branch organized the first ever IEEE SPS Winter School on Multimodal Signal Processing under the support of IEEE Global SPS and IEEE Bangladesh Section. Currently, I am also working as a conference secretary of IEEE TENSYMP 2020. I am a hard working person and like to do vibrant works. I do my assigned work with the utmost sincerity. As the  news-letter editor of IEEE Bangladesh Section, I am going to accept the challenge of large responsibilities ahead of IEEE TENSYMP 2020 and will try by heart and soul to  fulfill it.

2nd Choice of position

I have only one choice

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 words)

I am a member of IEEE for 5 years. In these years, I participated in IEEE BUET Student Branch events as volunteer. I am a team person and like to work in team very much. I worked in the team of IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2017, held at BUET, as a volunteer in the Technical Activities Committee. After Graduation, I was elected as the Secretary of IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter in 2019. During my tenure, I have organized 1st Technical Conference from IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE SPICSCON 2019- one of the  4 co-located conferences. I was also the Conference Secretary of IEEE SPICSCON 2019. I along with my vibrant team with Graduate IEEE members from different institutions handled the technical activities and organizational affairs with the sincere help from IEEE Bangladesh Section.  During my tenure, IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter along with IEEE SPS BUET Student Branch Chapter and IEEE SPS BUET Student Branch organized the first ever IEEE SPS Winter School on Multimodal Signal Processing under the support of IEEE Global SPS and IEEE Bangladesh Section. I have also arranged the 1st  Distinguished Lecturer Program of IEEE SPS from IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter at BUET. During the IEEE Annual Congress, I served as a volunteer and supervised the technical program. I also participated a speaker in IEEE Bangladesh Section Activities events in different IEEE BDS Technically Co-Sponsored Conferences. Currently, I am also working as a conference secretary of IEEE TENSYMP 2020 which is going to the largest event in history of the section.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

Member, IEEE (2014-Present)
Secretary, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter(2019-Present)
Conference Secretary, IEEE SPICSCON 2019
Conference Secretary, IEEE TENSYMP 2020

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

No Award is received.

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions) [Please mention whether the position is listed in Vtools or not]

Secretary, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter(2019-Present) [Vtools listed]

Endorser’s Name

Shaikh Anowarul Fattah

Endorser’s Affiliation

Nominations and Appointment Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section & Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)