The Section was formed in November 1993 with 54 members. Since then, the membership has been growing steadily. Presently the section has the chapters of Power and Energy Society, Electron Devices Society, Communications Society, Solid-State Circuits Society, WIE and GOLD Affinity Group. The section office is located in the premise of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka.
The section has been actively organizing seminars, workshops and short courses on different topics of electrical, electronic, communication and computer engineering. Both the academic and industrial speakers from different countries delivered lectures in those programs. The Section first initiated a National Conference on Electrotechnology in 1995 (ET95) which eventually turned into a Biennial conference entitled International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE) since 2001. The section has been technical cosponsor of ICECE of organized by the EEE Department of BUET. The section is also technical cosponsor of International Conference on Computers and Information Technology (ICCIT). Both the conferences are regular events in Bangladesh participated by a large number of foreign and local technical communities. The social activities of the section include Annual Certificate Awarding dinner, GOLD graduation dinner, participation of the activities of local engineering communities, and so on.
The student branches with the help and guidance of the Section regularly organize seminars, industrial tours, job festivals, website design contest, etc. The section also sends a good number of student representatives to student congresses held so far.
In 2001, three students of BUET student branch secured first position in IEEE Industry Application Society organized Myron Zucker Student Design Contest for their design project Design and development of a microcontroller based solid state prepaid energy meter. A group of five BUET students won the 2003 International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC) Award for their project Novel low cost three phase power induction motor fed from single phase AC supply. Mr. Asif Islam Khan, a volunteer of the section, won second prize in the IEEE History Student Paper Contest for his paper Pre-1900 semiconductor research and semiconductor device applications. A group of six BUET students won the honorary mention prize in the 2005 IFEC Award. BUET students also won 1st and 2nd prizes in the R10 Student Paper Contest in 2006. Members of BUET student branch also won IEEE Xtreme Programming Contest Award in 2006 and IFEC Award in 2007. The branch achieved IEEE Enterprise Award in 2006 for the project Sustainable technology solutions for providing ICT based services for rural people. BUET branch was the winner of Vibrant Student Branch Exhibition in the R10 Student Congress 2008 held in Chennai, India.