A N M Nasimunnabi

Senior Manager



Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade


1st Choice of position

Humanitarian Activity Coordinator

1st Choice Position Statement: considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

Globally, IEEE Bangladesh Section (IEEE BDS) is one of the most vibrant sections. It has reached so many millstones in last couple of years. In 2017, IEEE BDS has organized IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology conference (R10 HTC), one of the prestigious flagship conferences of IEEE Region 10 (the Asia Pacific region) for the first time in the history since its inception. In recent years, almost all the conferences organized or technically sponsored by IEEE Bangladesh Section, there were special track on Humanitarian Technology Activities and projects. As IEEE motto says, Advancing Technology for Humanity; IEEE Bangladesh Section is trying to promote and expand activities – those has humanitarian impacts on improving day-to-day living of underprivileged group and community.

If I get the opportunity to serve IEEE Bangladesh Section as Humanitarian Activity Coordinator for the year 2020, I would try my level best to keep this rich legacy continued and to support our student branches, local chapters and members to be involved in more humanitarian activities; guide our members and organizational units to explore and avail global opportunities; and to encourage student branches to form Social Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) group in respective student branches; make them self sustainable and utilizing the platform for betterment of humanity.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

I had the opportunity to serve IEEE Bangladesh Section in numbers of occasions including IEEE WIECON-ECE 2015 & 2016.

While serving as 2016 Section Student Representative of IEEE Bangladesh Section, I helped IEEE Bangladesh section to write proposal and secure funding from Global Humanitarian Activity Committee to organize Humanitarian Track at the 2016 IEEE international Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), Pune, India.

I communicated with section chairs, SB chairs for their support to make it a success; and I coordinated the Humanitarian Track at the WIECON-ECE 2016 and nearly 50 humanitarian projects from 7 different countries were demonstrated at the conference.

I also helped IEEE Bangladesh Section to organize the country round of SS12 – 2016, the contest was held in different phases; starting from Idea stage to implementing the idea into an impactful humanitarian projects. Best projects were displayed at the global contest and won the champion prize.
Also, for my individual humanitarian activities I received Best Volunteer Award (Humanitarian Activities) Category from IEEE Bangladesh Section in 2016; I received Best Humanitarian Impact Award for demonstrating my project Smart Device for Visually Impaired People at the IEEE WIECON-ECE 2016, Pune, India.
I think my activities, achievements and recognitions are self explanatory to be considered myself qualified for the position I have applied.

2nd Choice of position

I have only one choice

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 words)

1. Organizing Chair, IEEE Student Professional Awareness Conference 2016

2. Contest Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section Humanitarian Idea and App Contest 2016

3. Humanitarian Contest Coordinator, 2016 IEEE WIECON-ECE

4. Program Secretary, IEEE R10 SAC Chair, Counselor and Mentors Meet 2016

5. Facilitator, IEEE BDS SB Engage Program

6. Organizer, IEEE Bangladesh Section SYWC 2016

7. Organizer, IEEE Bangladesh Section SB Ex-Com Summit 2016

8. Logistics Coordinator, 2016 IEEE EMBS MediTec

9. Logistics Arrangement Committee Member, IEEE WIECON-ECE 2015

and many more events.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

o Program Mentor, IEEE MGA Volunteer Leadership Training 2019
o Program Mentor, IEEE MGA Volunteer Leadership Training 2018
o 2018 Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE IAS Bangladesh Chapter
o 2016 Section Student Representative, IEEE Bangladesh Section
o 2015-16 Chair, IEEE United International University Student Branch
o 2016 Chair, IEEE United International University Student Branch IAS Chapter
o Organizing Chair, IEEE SPAC 2016, Bangladesh
o Coordinator (Humanitarian Project Contest), IEEE WIECON ECE 2016
o Organizer, IEEE BDS SYWC 2016
o Ambassador, IEEE madC 2016
o Ambassador, IEEEXtreme 9.0
o Member Organizing Committee (Logistics), IEEE WIECON-ECE 2015

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

o 2015 Outstanding Volunteer Award – IEEE Bangladesh Section
o 2016 Outstanding Volunteer Award for Humanitarian Activity – IEEE Bangladesh Section
o Best Humanitarian Impact Award, 2016 IEEE WIECON-ECE 2016, Pune
o Program Graduate, IEEE Volunteer Leadership Training 2016
o IEEE R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award 2017

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions) [Please mention whether the position is listed in Vtools or not]

o 2016 Section Student Representative, IEEE Bangladesh Section (VTool Listed)
o 2015-16 Chair, IEEE United International University Student Branch (VTool Listed)
o 2016 Chair, IEEE United International University Student Branch IAS Chapter (VTool Listed)

Endorser’s Name

Shaikh Anowarul Fattah

Endorser’s Affiliation

Nominations and Appointment Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section & Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)