annual dinner poster

Announcing IEEE Bangladesh Section Award Night and Annual Dinner!!!

This year IEEE Bangladesh Section will be celebrating its 25 years and winning MGA Outstanding Large Section award with the last mega event of the year, IEEE Bangladesh Section Award Night and Annual Dinner on 25 December 2018 at Asia Hotel and Resort, Dhaka!

As with the tradition, the number of participants to this Award Night and Annual Dinner is limited and exclusive!

There will be Two Phases for registration for Award Night and Annual Dinner. After 1st Phase registration, selected participant will proceed for payment and 2nd phase registration to attend the event.

We request you to complete the phase 1 registration and share the link to the members of your Student Branch.

Phase 1 Registration Form Link:
Phase 1 Registration Deadline: 21st December, 2018, 11:59 AM

Registration Fee:
IEEE Member: 300 BDT
Non IEEE Member: 600 BDT

Date: 25 December 2018
Time: 07:00 PM
Venue: Asia Hotel and Resort, 34, 1 Topkhana Road, Dhaka 1000





Announcing IEEE Bangladesh Section SPS and EMBS Chapters’ Forum!!!

IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Bangladesh Chapter are jointly organizing IEEE Bangladesh Section SPS and EMBS Chapters’ Forum for the first time on 25 December 2018 at BUET.

The event is divided into 2 forums.

The SPS Forum: 09 AM to 12 PM.

The EMBS Forum: 02 PM to 05 PM

Date: 25 December 2018

Venue: BUET

Though the forums are mainly for society members, they are open for all.

Registration is free.

Registration link: