Abul Al Arabi



Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade


1st Choice Position Statement (500 Words)

I am Abul Al Arabi, a graduate in EEE from BUET. I am currently completing MSc. in EEE from BUET and working as a lecturer at Northern University Bangladesh. I have also been an executive committee member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Bangladesh 2018 and served the role of being a treasurer. I am applying for the position of “Awards Coordinator” for the upcoming IEEE Bangladesh Section Executive Committee 2019.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post (500 Words)

I have participated in a number of different national and international challenges, conferences and workshops. I have also achieved various top positions and awards in different segments such as:

➢ Awards for conducting different IEEE Workshops in Bangladesh.

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (500 words)

Being a robotics and AI enthusiast, I participated in IRC Reginal, organized by IEEE Buet SB. Being champion in the regional round, I participated in the finale held in IIT, Bombay, India. Just after having a top position (2nd) in that challenge, I joined IEEE and conducted workshops on basic robotics under the supervision of Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah in 2015. From that time, I have been a part in different IEEE events in Bangladesh. Being an ex-com member of IEEE RAS BD, I have conducted a number of workshops and technical sessions in different IEEE student branches throughout the nation. A brief is presented below:

 IoT in robotics in RUET, ISTT, IUB Student Branches.
 Technical session on robotics and IoT in ICAEEE 2018 cosponsored by IEEE BDS, DUET.
 Technical session on robotics and IoT in IEEE BUP Annual event.
 Session on robotics and IoT in IEEE BDS SYWMC 2018.
 IEEE TISP 2017, AUST, Bangladesh.
 Workshop on Industrial Automation, IEEE IIUC Student Branch 2017.
 Workshop on Automation, IEEE PUST Student Branch 2017.
 Robot Tutor-1 (Two workshops), IEEE Student Branch 2015.

As student branches are under Bangladesh section, hence I believe, contribution to the student brances, subsequently creates an impact to IEEE BDS.
I have participated in CMD Robotics challenge at IEEE IAS Annual Meeting 2018 at Portland, Oregon. I have participated the CMD workshop and acted as a foreperson of my group including individuals from Region-7 and Region-10. I have also brought the glory of being 2nd in the IEEE IAS CMD Robotics Challenge there under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz. I have been a judge in different IEEE events of different universities, including MIST, IUB and NSU. I, subsequently believe, I can contribute more being an ex-com member of the IEEE Bangladesh Section.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

Executive Committee member, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Bangladesh 2018.

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

IEEE IAS CMD Robotics Challenge, Portland, OR, USA, 2018, 2nd Position Award

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions)

Executive Committee member, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Bangladesh, Year: 2018, Position: Treasurer.

Sajjad Waheed


Professor, Dept. of ICT, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade


1st Choice Position Statement (500 Words)

I have been associate with the IEEE since 2007. At that time I was a Doctoral student at the Istanbul University, and I was with the student branch of the university. Since 2014, I am a regular member of the IEEE. Since the first day with the IEEE, I tried to help the organization to grow through various activities. My aim was to spread the activities among the research minded technology people who work in line of the IEEE.I always believe IEEE has the opportunities to get all branches of engineering, technology and science under its umbrella. More research fields are put together, more stronger the IEEE is. Besides, all those research people and associates are very important factor in development of IEEE.They help IEEE with their expertise, their contribution towards the development of the IEEE and, most importantly, finally they help to grow themselves. This is the power of the IEEE.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post (500 Words)

I have been an active participator since my first day. I have been contributing to the IEEE in various capacities. I have been a regular reviewer, track co-chair and track chair of various IEEE sponsored conferences and journals. I have reviewed more than 100 papers for these conferences and journals. Despite reviewing, I have managed students branch of my university, arranged programs under the banner of IEEE. There were limitations, still I tried my level best to over come those problems. I have adjusted papers for awards, I was in the panels for rewards in various conference. I have performed my duties with sincerity. To me, the IEEE is a like a platform that helps to grow with all of our contributions. I am sure that I shall be able to contribute if I am selected for the applied post.

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (500 words)

I am a founding member of the IEEE Computer Society, Bangladesh Chapter.I have been contributing to the IEEE in various capacities. I have been a regular reviewer, track co-chair and track chair of various IEEE sponsored conferences and journals. I have reviewed more than 100 papers for these conferences and journals. Despite reviewing, I have managed students branch of my university, arranged programs under the banner of IEEE. There were limitations, still I tried my level best to over come those problems. I have adjusted papers for awards, I was in the panels for rewards in various conference. I have performed my duties with sincerity.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch , MBSTU (2018)

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

No award is received

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions)

Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch , MBSTU (2018)